The London Utility Commission reads water meters each month. They are normally read between the 9th and the 14th of the month. This is dependent on weather conditions and the day on which the weekend falls.
Bills are processed the last week of the month and are mailed by the first of the month. Bills are due by the 10th of each month and if not paid by the 15th a 10% penalty is added. Bills not paid by the 20th of the month are subject to disconnect. If disconnected, a $25.00 re-connect fee must be paid before service is resumed. For more details please visit the Rates & Fees section of our website.
In addition to billing for water and sewer services, LUC bills for garbage fees for the City of London. However, LUC does not administer the garbage collection. For questions regarding garbage collection, please contact the Street and Sanitation Department at 606-864-5521.
There are NO WATER ADVISORIES at this time.