If you rent, you must pay either a residential deposit of $75.00 and a $25.00 transfer fee or a commercial deposit. The amount of the commercial deposit will be figured based on a two-month average of water and sewer charges for your type of business. The minimum deposit for commercial customers is $100.00 and the $25.00 transfer fee.
If you rent, you must pay either a residential deposit of $75.00 and a $25.00 transfer fee or a commercial deposit. The amount of the commercial deposit will be figured based on a two-month average of water and sewer charges for your type of business. The minimum deposit for commercial customers is $100.00 and the $25.00 transfer fee.
No. Homeowners are not charged a deposit. They are only charged the $25.00 transfer fee.
When you purchase rental property for the purpose of renting the property you must come in to our office and show either a personal I.D. or give a tax I.D. number. Please be advised that you will be charged a $25.00 transfer fee the first time you have service turned on in your name. After service has been established one time at that particular address you are not charged the $25.00 again.
Renters will need to bring in the required deposit. All customers, regardless of whether they rent or own, must come in to our office and show a photo I.D. Homeowners must bring with them proof of purchase, such as a copy of their deed or a purchase agreement. It is also imperative that you have the complete address as we will not be able to turn your service on until we have that information.
Unlike establishing service you can have water and/or sewer turned off by calling the office. However, any I.D. numbers given at the time service was established must be verified before service can be turned off. If you do not have the I.D. number you must come in to our office to sign the service order and show a photo I.D. It is imperative that you give a valid, complete forwarding address in order to receive your final bill and/or deposit refund.
Your bill is based on water usage. No two households are the same because no two people have the same habits. For example, if there are two people in your household and you run a dishwasher once every day or every other day, do two loads of laundry every day and each of you bathe twice a day you would use more water than two people who do not have a dishwasher, washer/dryer or who bathe only once per day. Please be aware that an average usage for one person is 2,000 to 4,000 gallons per month. If your neighbors use the average of 2,000 gallons per person and your household uses closer to the 4,000 gallons per person, your bill will be higher.
The normal process time for final billing is 4 – 6 weeks. If you moved and had service disconnected on the 25th, the bill is not figured until around the 21st of the following month, and checks are not issued until the 1st of the following month. On other thing to remember is that it is extremely important to give a valid, complete forwarding address when you move to ensure your check is delivered to you. If it has been longer than six weeks since you moved and you gave us a valid forwarding address, you will probably want to contact our office to check the status of your refund.
You are required to come in to our office to make a transfer. If you owe a balance, that amount must be paid as well as the $25.00 transfer fee.
While we understand that things happen that are beyond your control, we are unable to give extensions for any reason. Since we are a public utility we must treat every customer the same. Please be aware that there are no exceptions to this rule and if you call our office, we will still be unable to extend your payment date.
The deposit is used only for your final bill and cannot be applied to your account until your service is disconnected.
The first thing you need to do when you realize you have a leak is to find where the leak is coming from. After the leak has been fixed we can adjust the sewer portion of your bill depending on the location of the leak. We have to send one of our maintenance workers out to your residence to check the meter and verify the leak has been fixed. Laurel # 2 and Wood Creek customers who have LUC sewer must call their water provider and inform them they have had a leak, where the leak was located and that the leak has been fixed. This information has to be verified with your water provider before we can give an adjustment.
Yes. Customers who are connected to LUC sewer and fill a swimming pool are given one (1) pool adjustment per year. It is best to avoid filling your pool from the 7th through the 15th of the month so that your usage is not split onto two bills as we can only give one adjustment.
Your water provider sends us a consumption report each month detailing your water usage. If you feel there has been an error in the billing, you must call your water provider since they are responsible for reading your meter each month. If an error has been made, either you or your water provider must call us to make the necessary adjustments.
Yes. The $25.00 transfer fee is charged regardless of whether your water is on or off. We have to make a service call in order to obtain the beginning reading on your water meter.
No. LUC only puts the charges for the garbage on your bill and collects money owed to the city. We cannot answer questions related to garbage collection. You must call 606-864-5521 for garbage related issues.
If we have not received your payment before the morning of the 15th you are charged a 10% penalty, and a delinquent notice is automatically generated and mailed to you. Please be aware that we are in no way responsible for mail delivery either from us to you or from you to us.
Yes. LUC is not responsible for mail delivery either from us to you or from you to us. All bills and delinquent notices are taken to the post office at the same time. Once they leave our possession, delivery is out of our hands. If you do not receive a bill, you are still responsible for payment. Therefore, if you do not receive your bill by the first of the month, you will need to contact us to find out the amount you owe.
There are NO WATER ADVISORIES at this time.