To insure proper credit on your account we encourage you to always include the stub attached to your bill when you make payments. We offer the following payment methods:
You can now pay your bill online 24 hours a day! It’s fast easy and secure. Click here to pay your bill online.
Customers are welcome to come in to our business office (located at 801 North Main Street) during normal business hours (M-F 8 AM to 4 PM) to make payments in person. We accept the following forms of payment:
Customers may pay over the phone via credit/debit card only. We currently accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. Customers can make phone payments during normal business hours by calling (606) 864-2103.
We have a night deposit for customers who want to pay their bill when the business office is closed. The night deposit is located at the entrance to our drive-through. We do not recommend using cash when utilizing this method of payment. Remember to always include your remittance stub with you night deposit payment.
For your convenience, we offer a bank draft payment option. With this method of payment the funds are automatically drawn from your checking account each month. Customers choosing this option will continue to receive a paper copy of their bill. If you are interested in this payment option you may contact our business office at (606) 864-2103.
There are NO WATER ADVISORIES at this time.