The first public sewer system was constructed in the city of London in 1928. All the waste was collected and was sent to two giant septic tanks. Due to growth, this system became inadequate and the first wastewater treatment plant was constructed on Dixie Street in 1948. As the area continued to grow, this plant became inadequate and was replaced in 1965. A new trickling filter plant was constructed on the south end of town.
With continued growth and expansion of the collection system, the plant was expanded in 1982. The 1982 expansion replaced the trickling filter plant with RBC’s. In 1992 a major collector sewer project was completed. This expansion project included the construction of approximately 35 miles of new sewer mains. This expansion added approximately 1000 residential and commercial customers to the system. In addition to this expansion, several industrial customers were added to the system. By 1999 the treatment plant was once again inadequate.
In 2001, design began on a new wastewater treatment plant. The construction of the new treatment plant began in 2002. The construction was completed in 2004. The cost of the project was $15,000,000.00. The plant has a capacity of 5.0 million gallons per day with a peak flow capacity of 15 million gallons per day. The new treatment plant is currently meeting all discharge permit limits. LUC is constantly expanding and upgrading facilities to serve our growing community.
Tim Neace, Chief Plant Operator
Telephone: 606-864-7611
E-mail: wwtp@londonutilitycommission.com
There are NO WATER ADVISORIES at this time.