Hot white steam coming out of metal manhole or metal hatch
Many citizens have asked about the recurring sights of steam coming from manholes in London recently. This is part of the sanitary sewer rehab work that has been on-going for the last 9 months. The process is called “Cast In Place Pipe” or CIPP. The process has been used for decades in various forms around the world. However, this is the first ever project where this technology has been used in London, KY. It offers many advantages over traditional sewer line replacement. It limits and often eliminates the need to dig up the old pipe, thereby, saving time, reducing the need to repave streets and sidewalks, and limiting traffic disruption. It is also much less expensive.
Although conventional dig and replace is still necessary in some portions of our project (16th Street for example), it does help us get more done in less time with less money. The project is expected to be completed by the end of Summer 2015.
If you have specific questions about the CIPP process or anything relating to the London Sewer Rehab Project, please feel free to contact us at by email at info@londonutilitycommission.com or by phone at (606) 864-2103.
There are NO WATER ADVISORIES at this time.